Spotted: Enjoying a cookout on 15th Street in Tampa, FL
Occupation: Mother, makeup artist and hairstylist
What are you doing here today?
Hanging out with my good friend Tasha—she's having a get-together.
How long have you guys known each other?
It's been about 4 years now. We used to live next door to each other and our kids started hanging out—before I knew it we were too!
So you're a mother?
Yes, I have 5 girls and 1 boy.
How would you describe giving birth?
Uhhhh, gosh! Giving birth is like a storm before the rainbow. It's extremely painful but at the end you look into your child's eyes and are just so happy you put up the fight.
Did you try it without medication?
Lord no! I don't think I'd be able to handle that. But I did have a C-section, which in my opinion is better than pushing. That said, the pain afterward and the time it takes to heal is just horrible! I never realized how much I use my stomach to stand up and do all the other little things you need to do for daily life.
So besides taking care of the little ones what else do you do?
Well, I'm a hairstylist and makeup artist. I usually do photo shoots and weddings because I can work when my kids are at school.
Is that what you want to do or do you see these as temporary gigs?
It's definitely temporary. I like doing hair and makeup . . . but I don't love it.
So what's your dream job?
I would like to own my very own restaurant. I love to cook and to see how happy my food makes others. That brings me a lot of joy.